In the Studio: Shaul Tzemach



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Shaul in Slash
Shaul first appeared on the art scene in Isreal in 2000, and now Slash: Paper Under the Knife is Shaul's first showing in New York. Follow the link to read the full exhibition description.

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food for thought
If all matter in space were equal in density, there could be no movement.

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Shaul's key interest with this work is superimposition- the existence of two distinct things occupying the same space at the same time.

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mircroscopic made visible
The circles are actually the shape of atomic particles viewed through an electronic microscope. (The photo is evocative, but actually represents something much larger: the polio virus). photo: CDC/ Dr. Fred Murphy, Sylvia Whitfield

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…similar to the way we experience architecture. Our favorite books on the nature of space, architecture and perception: Architecture as Space: and the seminal Space Time and Architecture by Siegfried Giedion

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Channels: PaperShaul Tzemach

Israeli artist Shaul Tzemach is like many of the other artists in the exhibition 'Slash: Paper Under the Knife:' the choice of simple materials and techniques (paper and cutting with a knife) belies a complex and sophisticated statement. In this interview, filmed at Shaul's studio in Tel Aviv, he explains.

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