In the Studio: Judy Pfaff



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Slash: Paper under the Knife
Here's a nice introductory video to the exhibition Slash: Paper Under the Knife

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Judy Pfaff: Brief Bio
Judy has said that she rarely visualizes her finished work, she almost always changes her mind during the making process. According to Judy, she expresses her surpluss of romance and emotion through her artwork, and also uses her process to access for difficult concepts, "silence... the sweeter sense of things." image:

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Judy creates art objects full of sensation by using a broad range of techniques: knife cutting, tearing, shredding, folding, burning, punching, glueing, etc. She even encorporates found objects to complete her micro-visions.

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the role of nature
Judy's current "vocabulary with nature" is distinctive from her previous work. She used to work with hardware store finds; tools, heavy machinery, tree roots, burning kits, plaster, styrofoam, and drills. Bogue Lusa incorporates three kinds of paper, coffee filters, paper and silk flowers, rice starch paste, and a derelict bamboo parasol.

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Judy on art21
You can check out another video on Judy's work by fellower Artbabbler Art21. Not surprisingly, it's excellent. Image: "Art in the Twenty-First Century", production still, 2007, © Art21, Inc.

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