Museums, Fame and Money

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What museum does he direct?
The Van Gogh Museum. Here is a video that shows what the museum is like and many of the different things going on there.

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125 Years is a long time
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Rijksmuseum Amsterdam
Here's a better view of the beautiful Rijksmuseum.

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Why self-portraits?
Find out more about self-portraits and other artists who made them.

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A queue is another word for a line of people.

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The answer may surprise you.

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Stedelijk Museum
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Watch a concert in the Concertgebouw
Not quite as good as being there in person, but still amazing.

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Vincent van Gogh
If that quick rundown wasn't enough for you, here's a closer look at Vincent van Gogh's life.

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Blossoming Almond Tree
Who would have thought this is van Gogh's most popular painting?

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The Letters of Vincent van Gogh
If you're interested, you can pick this up pretty cheap on amazon.

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Self-portraits montage
These may not be the most popular paintings, but this video is still very good.

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Gauguin and the Generation of the 1890s
This lecture will shed some light on the relationship between Gauguin and van Gogh.

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Proof that Van Gogh is popular
Vincent Van Gogh Vodka.

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Van Gogh Bumper
Here's a better look at Conan's Van Gogh.

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National Gallery (London)
Click here to find out about the nearly two century old museum.

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"There is no blue without ...
... yellow and without orange." - Vincent van Gogh

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Another reason why Netherlands might not like Germany
World Cup Final 1974 - West Germany - Netherlands 2-1

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Two Van Gogh Portraits Authenticated
Find out more about the two paintings here.

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Antiques Roadshow's Highest Valuation Ever
Living the dream.

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Who is Han van Meegeren?
He is the considered to be one of best art forgers of the 20th century. Click the link to learn more about him.

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Top 10 Most Faked Art
1 - Pablo Ruiz Y Picasso. Prints, Paintings and Drawings 2 - Salvador Dali 3 - Marc Chagall / Joan Mirò 4 - Autographs and celebrity photos 5 - Eastern European Icons 6 - Poussin or other Old Masters 7- Edgar Degas - Vincent Van Gogh & Thomas Gainsborough Mallord William Turner 8 - Barbizon School and Dutch Paintings 9 - Courbet and John Constable 10 - Miniatures , miniature portraits, hand coloured prints and Maps

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VINCENT VAN GOGH, real or fake?
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Arts institutions feeling impact of sick economy
MSNBC provides an interesting article about the bad economy and it's impact on museums. From the article: "Like homeowners and stockholders, arts organizations are feeling the pinch from the faltering economy."

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Top 10 Worst College Degrees
Golf Management, anyone?

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How much taxes do they pay in the Netherlands?
They pay 30-52% income tax on their earnings.

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From the Director's Chair: Detroit Institue of Arts
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IMA Dashboard
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Arab Gulf State Views of Europe
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Abu Dhabi
Check out Abu Dhabi's beautiful skyline and learn more about the city from this link.

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List of most expensive paintings
Number one is by Jackson Pollock. Vincent van Gogh shows up seven times. Click the link to view the rest. Some may surprise you.

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Portrait of Dr. Gachet
Here you can view the portrait they are talking about. It is the most expensive Van Gogh.

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Van Gogh's Postman: The Portraits of Joseph Roulin
Here is an exhibition MoMA had back in 2001 since the Van Gogh Museum doesn't possess these paintings.

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Barcelona 1900 - Van Gogh Museum
This video is a great overview of the exhibition Barcelona 1900 at the Van Gogh Museum.

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Making Waves: Museums and Cultural Influence
If you liked this director's talk, you may like this one, too.

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Channels: Talks

Vincent van Gogh is one of the most recognizable artist names in the world, but where does the celebrity stop and the art begin? Join Axel Rüger, director of the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam, and Dr. Maxwell Anderson, The Melvin & Bren Simon Director and CEO of the Indianapolis Museum of Art for a conversation about the commercialization of the museum world, the global game of securing exhibitions, and the enduring intrigue of Van Gogh.

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