Director's Journal:



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Letter from The Melvin and Bren Simon Director and CEO
Find out what IMA Director and CEO Max Anderson has written in his latest letter.

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Gardens and Grounds
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Indianapolis Museum of Art
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The Museum Social Tagging Project
Steve is a collaboration of museum professionals and others who believe that social tagging may provide profound new ways to describe and access museum collections and encourage visitor enagement with museum objects

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Art Galleries
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Roman Art from the Louvre
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Louvre Museum Website
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Callejon de Hamel (Cuba): Afro Cuban Traditions
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IMA’s Official Flickr Account
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Explore the museum
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This episode features revisions to IMA's website,

Nice work everyone!

Yes. It is looking good.

looking good

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00:00:05 Welcome to I'm Max Anderson, The Melvin and Bren Simon Director and CEO of the Indianapolis Museum of Art.

00:00:13 We're glad to have you with us. We're going to walk around the grounds a bit and get to know the IMA today.

00:00:17 What are some of your favorite things about the new website?

00:00:20 I'd like to see the website be an open door and make sure that anyone in the world can comment on what we're presenting on it, and what we're presenting in the museum itself.

00:00:29 We are part of a project called, which is a wonderful way for anyone in the world to produce content, really, to describe works of art.

00:00:38 Websites are our first calling card, we have probably a third of a million visitors a year on site to the museum, but there is no limit to how many we could be having on the website,

00:00:47 so we are hoping to bring lots of visitors from all over the world to experience our collections and grounds and everything else we have to offer.

00:00:55 So, another new website coming up...What are some of your favorite parts about that website?

00:00:59 The is a great opening for the exhibition we're presenting from the Musee du Louvre that is arriving September 23rd and it's a 184 masterworks

00:01:10 of Roman antiquity from the 1st century BC to the 4th century AD and on that site, you will be able to see video that was shot in Paris and in Rome, in preparation for the exhibition

00:01:21 and get a deeper understanding of the works of art themselves, the people who care for them in Paris, and their context in ancient Rome.

00:01:28 One of the great things about our digital video presence now on is that we can go anywhere. We are not limited to the experience in the museums primacies

00:01:38 and in the grounds that we preserve. We are going to be going everywhere to follow the logic of creativity. So, the excitement for all of us on the staff here is to make the IMA a place that

00:01:48 opens the world to everyone's eyes. By using Flickr and YouTube and blogging, we hope very much to make the museum accessible to audiences who take advantage of every aspect of the internet.

00:01:59 We want to welcome you back to over and over again, so in future episodes we'll be making our way through conservation laboratories, greenhouses, storerooms

00:02:09 and of course some of the 132,000 square feet of galleries we offer and the 152 acres of grounds. So, come back often

00:02:17 and visit whenever you can.