Director's Journal: The Work of Maya Lin



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In the Factory: Maya Lin
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Blue Spring Caverns
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Maya Lin: Above and Below, by IMA

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Learn about current IMA events with Melvin and Bren Simon Director and CEO Maxwell Anderson. This episode features a conversation with IMA Curator, Jim Robinson.

Thank you for your sharing.

I love the asian reference

And to answer the question does this name ring a bell? it doesn't

I was so very moved by this touching video. Long live this blessed museum! And may God bless its soul or Yaweah or Allah.

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00:00:07 We are standing on the Fortune balcony at the IMA and in the presence of a wonderful work of art, "Above and Below" by Maya Lin,

00:00:15 the result of over ten years of work by Jim Robinson in our Asian Department and the curator who brought this to fruition with Maya Lin.

00:00:23 Jim, tell us how this came to pass.

00:00:26 We have this wonderful space here and I wanted to have some excuse, some art out here, to draw people out because the vista from the balcony, I think, is one of the best in Indianapolis

00:00:35 as did Mr. and Mrs. Fortune, who endowed it. Maya Lin said she was interested in it but her thoughts were, sort of, changing over time and it really wasn't until about a

00:00:45 year ago that she came up with this final design.

00:00:49 So the inspiration for this came from a place called Blue Springs Cavern. What and where is that, Jim?

00:00:55 That's a cavern in Bedford, Indiana which was basically carved by the White River, which is just beyond here. Maya likes to do site specific works based on

00:01:04 geography and geology. When she found out that Blue Springs Cavern was part of the longest underground river system in the world, she said this would be ideal for a

00:01:14 site specific installation.

00:01:17 It really does look like a drawing in space and clearly there was some discussion at the outset of how to make this work. One idea was to make the river bed and the other was

00:01:27 to make the cavern roof. You ended up with the combination.

00:01:30 Exactly and that's why it's called "Above and Below" and it's inside as well as outside and it starts from the contemporary floor and the Asian ceilings, so it's

00:01:40 also Asian and Contemporary. There's lots of dualities with this.

00:01:44 But it'll be a wonderful testament year around to both Maya Lin's creativity and the museum's breadth in collecting.

00:01:51 And the generosity of donors.

00:01:52 Absolutely.