Pipilotti Rist lecture 9/11: The speed of movement & extreme overlap of theatre, poetry and daily life


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OPA Oficina para Proyectos de Arte">

The artists run space in Guadalajara (Mexico) is: OPA Oficina para Proyectos de Arte. The site of the OPA is the floor 23 of the building known as Condominium Guadalajara. Built in 1963 in the centre of the city and for some time maximum symbol of its modernization, continues to be one of the best buildings of the city.
The floor 23 has near of 600 square meters in two rooms of exhibition, a workshop and a terrace. Offering a unbeatable panorama of the city, the place facilitates an auspicious experience to the simultaneous conscience of the art and the city. The goal of the OPA is to provide the community of a forum where to spread and confront the ideas that are being produced in the international circuit of the contemporary art.

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The artists run space in Guadalajara (Mexico) is: OPA Oficina para Proyectos de Arte. The site of the OPA is the floor 23 of the building known as Condominium Guadalajara. Built in 1963 in the centre of the city and for some time maximum symbol of its modernization, continues to be one of the best buildings of the city.

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Artists run spaces
Rist refers to the many artist run spaces that emerged in Holland in de eighties and nineties of the twentieth century like W139 in Amsterdam, De Fabriek in Eindhoven and De Zaak in Groningen. Aorta, run by the Amsterdam artist/party-animal Peter Giele (1954-1999) and situated in the centre of the city near Dam Square, gave the Dutch art scene an enormous impulse. Some of these spaces still exist.

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Homo Sapiens Sapiens
In 2005 Pipilotti Rist represented Switzerland at the Venice Biennial. Her work, Homo Sapiens Sapiens , was installed in the San Stae, a church in the district of Santa Croce.

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Project with Martinez in St. Gallen
On december 5th an interview about the project was published in a Danish newspaper. Rist and Martinez prepare a similar project for Rotterdam Charlois in the Netherlands. It will be realized in 2010/11.

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Living Theatre
The Living Theatre is an American theatre company founded in 1947 by Judith Malina and Julian Beck and based in New York City. From its conception, The Living Theatre was dedicated to transforming the organization of power within society from a competitive, hierarchical structure to cooperative and communal expression.

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Hotel Engadin
Pipilotti means the Hotel Castell in Zuoz, Engadin. The 19th century building was renewed in 2008 by Andreas Fuhrimann and Gabrielle Hächtler, architects. The video installation by Pipilotti Rist is integrated into the bottle rack. “Labels” have been etched in three bottles, onto which video works are projected. They reiterate images of indulgence, or indeed over – indulgence.

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Many people experience traditional art institutions and the artworks that are shown there, to be far apart from society and their own daily routine. In this part of her lecture, Pipilotti Rist places herself in a tradition of artists who try to work outside the institutionalized podiums. In various ways she tries to have people looking at a work of art while they are in the flow of living their lives.

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