Rebecca Uchill, Curatorial



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Meet Rebecca Uchill in Curatorial, one of the employees at the Indianapolis Museum of Art in another installment of this continuing series. Go behind the scenes at a major art museum to see what it takes to make it all work.

Hi Rebecca, My name is Adrel and I live in Peoria,IL. I have been painting for about 11 years off and on, and my works have been displayed in varies areas in Illinois. My reason for texting is, how can I exhibit my works at the museum, what are the channels, and cost of house an exhitbition.

My works are entitled "adh"s, they are bold, with dynamic formation of organic and geo metric shapes, that are embraced with rays of extrodinary colors that enhances every shape.

To better introduce them in words, they are COLORS IN THE FLESH, they move with tremdenous energy, they are sometimes referred to as works of AWE, because when people view them, their first words are "AWE". So, if you would like to view some of these works, I would be more than happy to email a few pieces to you.
The Exhibition would be entitled "HOPE", because some much has happend in the past three years or more, that has drained people mentally and these paintings with their, beautifully array of colors would definately brighten our grayish atomospher, that's lingers over us. This exhibition of HOPE would inspire people to grab a hold of life and start living again. Colors can tame even the savage beast, how much more a wounded soul.

adhs the art of awe

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00:00:12 My name is Rebecca Uchill, and I am the Assistant Curator of Contemporary Art at the IMA. We are a pretty big department here. We have the entire third floor of the museum dedicated to contemporary art

00:00:22 and we're a really active department. We rotate our galleries often because we're ambitious, and we want to show people a lot of things,

00:00:31 but also because contemporary art continues to make itself. Right now, Adrian Schiess' show is up and Adrian has actually decided to install work all throughout the museum.

00:00:43 That's actually something we've not done before to have contemporary artwork really residing alongside other more historical works and galleries around the museum.

00:00:56 He has also taken over some of the interstitial spaces like the hallways, where he is showing some video works. I love when I come in during the morning,

00:01:03 and I see school groups walking past Adrian's videos and they will just jump in front of those video projections and start, you know, doing all these antics

00:01:12 with their shadows on the wall. Really, it's my job to understand the artistic intent of the artist behind the piece

00:01:21 and to help them to execute it within the means and resources that we can provide and also to contextualize it in the most appropriate way.

00:01:30 I agree with you and that's why I think we should think about this second one.

00:01:34 So, we do a lot between the two curators and we have a curatorial assistant and a whole lot of other hands helping us out. I think it's rewarding for everyone

00:01:44 when one can really see the rigor of the process that everyone has been so intensely involved in manifesting something really incredible.

00:01:53 I guess to me "It's My Art" means that we are inviting you for a visit, you know, we love to see people come and be curious.