Moving from Virtual to Visceral: Maxwell L. Anderson's Plenary Address at Museums and the Web 2009



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Channels: Talks

The Melvin & Bren Simon Director and CEO of the Indianapolis Museum of Art, Maxwell L. Anderson, addresses Museums and the Web 2009 (MW2009) in Indianapolis.

From the Archives & Museum Informatics website: As social networking continues to grow, a priority for museums should be to open the experiences they offer on-site to visitors online. By prioritizing production of web-based high-definition video, real-time transparency in reporting out museum activities, and new avenues for audience participation, museums may be able to stand out in the increasingly cluttered media landscape.

I found the comments made by Max Anderson in relationship to the connection between the museum's galleries and opportunities for learning extensions to be highly relevant. A museum visit can be a very random experience - a friend takes us, we are in a new city with time to kill. A robust online presence and the level of transparency described in the lecture and practiced at IMA exposes "visitors" on a whole to new level of information to process and digest independent of curatorial process.

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Oops. Posted that before signing up.

This is absolutely fantastic. I've been to the IMA but once (AAM2005) and perhaps will never make it there again as I'm not frequently in Indianapolis, but their institution is going to be disproportionately on my mind.

Max Anderson is not only brilliant, but makes clear cogent arguments for the transparency and straightforward practice of museums. Best Plenary I've seen in ages and I wasn't even there.

Thanks IMA, Max, and ArtBabble.

Yes -- thanks for posting! Missed the conference and heard rave things about the speech. Can't wait to watch the whole thing....

Thank you artbabble, it’s as though I was actually there..

thank you SO much for getting this up so quickly!
relishing it.

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