Jeppe Hein, In the Factory



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Jeppe Hein’s outdoor experiential artwork, Bench Around the Lake, imagines a playful and serpentine park bench that emerges from the ground, twists, turns and submerges again in several locations around the Park’s 35-acre lake. Hein worked with IMA horticulturists and Indianapolis-based landscape architect Eric Fulford to select locations for the installation that will form a circuit around the lake, interacting with specific sites and natural phenomena within the park and along the bordering bank of the White River. Hein will have a corollary installation exhibited in the IMA’s McCormack Forefront Galleries, Distance, conceived as a kinetic counterpart to Bench Around the Lake. The installations will encourage the public to consider Jeppe Hein’s engagement with the architectural, spatial, and navigational experiences of interior and exterior sites.

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