Mateo Tannatt at the Old Zoo

Los Angeles Zoo

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The Los Angeles Zoo is owned and operated by the City of Los Angeles. From its opening in 1966 until 1997, the Zoo operated as a division of the City’s Recreation and Parks Department.

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Channels: Contemporary ArtSculpture
Artists: Mateo Tannatt
Themes: Objects

Mateo Tannatt asked us to meet him at the old zoo in Griffith Park to discuss his work in the exhibition "All of this and nothing". Tannatt makes sculptures, paintings, photographs, videos, prints, and performances inspired by everyday urban experiences and the quotidian sites in which inspiration or creativity occur. Carefully positioning objects in diverse mediums adjacent to one another in what he calls "landscapes of objects," Tannatt creates a fragmentary and associative narrative that remains esoteric and incomplete.

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