Graffiti Artist, Hector Calderon



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Barnacle Bros. Custom Sculpture & Fabrication
The owner of Barnacle Bros., Smilee Barnacle, let Hector use the back of his place for the graffiti.

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Zocaloc's Site
You can learn stuff from the site like Hector's graffiti alias, ShanduOne.

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Who loves Urban Dictionary?
Here's the definition of "loc." Love the second one, library of congress.

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The BBC covers one of the most famous graffiti artists, Banksy.

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Predator Trailer
Trailers have come a long way.

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Aliens Trailer
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Behind Barnacle Bros. studio, Hector Calderon created a spray-painted, Alien and Predator-themed mural on the cement block wall. Hear from this graffiti artist and one of the founders of Zocaloc Productions as he discusses his work and methods. The Barnacle Bros. fabricated the floating "i-land" for Andre Zittel's installation at the Indianapolis Museum of Art's 100 Acres Art and Nature Park.

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