The Spanish Manner: Drawings from Ribera to Goya



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The Spanish Manner: Drawings from Ribera to Goya
Spanish draftsmen of the seventeenth, eighteenth, and nineteenth centuries created works of dazzling beauty and inventiveness. Though often well versed in the traditions of Italy and Flanders, artists on the Iberian Peninsula developed their own signature techniques and departed from academic conventions of representing the human figure. They explored a wide range of subject matter and motifs, from saints and biblical scenes infused with Counter-Reformation ideology to depictions of martyrdoms, torture, and otherworldly creatures.

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Works of Art by Goya in The Frick Collection

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Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-Century Drawings

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Goya: Draftsman of the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries

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Introduction to the exhibition by Susan Grace Galassi, Senior Curator at The Frick Collection. The exhibition is on view at The Frick Collection from October 5, 2010, through January 9, 2011. For more information see:

this is awesome Nicole, it is about a drawing of Goya's which you might identify with! Thought you will be interested- N

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