BOTH Here and There - February 2008



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Antonio Vigil: Invisible Cities
Painter Antonio Vigil describes his work for the February 2008 Invisible Cities show at Mercury 20 in Oakland, CA.

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Maya Kabat: Invisible Cities
Painter Maya Kabat describes her work for the February 2008 exhibition Invisible Cities at Mercury 20 in Oakland, CA.

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Johansson Projects
Kimberly Johansson talks about her Oakland-based art gallery, Johansson Projects.

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Nathan Cordero
Curator Renny Pritikin talks about the work of Nathan Cordero, one of five artists featured in the February 2008 exhibition, Neither Here Nor There at Johansson Projects in Oakland, CA.

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Lisa Prettol
Curator Renny Pritikin discusses the work of Lisa Prettol.

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Ross Khalsa
Curator Renny Pritikin discusses the work of painter Ross Khalsa.

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Kyle Monhollen
Curator Renny Pritikin describes the work of Kyle Monhollen, one of five artists featured in the Neither Here Nor There show at Johansson Projects in February 2008.

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Richard Haley
Curator Renny Pritikin talks about the work of Richard Haley.

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GALLERY CRAWL drops into the NEITHER HERE NOR THERE show at Johannson Projects for a chat with gallerist Kimberly Johansson and the show's curator, Renny Pritikin, the Director of the Nelson Gallery and Fine Arts Collection at UC Davis. We also visit Maya Kabat and Antonio Vigil to talk about their INVISIBLE CITIES exhibition at Mercury 20, an artist-run gallery that's just a few blocks away in downtown Oakland.

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