
MOCAtv - Art in The Streets (36 of 36)
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The Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles and its online channel MOCAtv announce a call to action to graffiti and street artists and supporters around the world to upload videos showing the freshest art in public spaces.
The suggested length of video is 1-3 minutes, and the artwork/s featured can be commissioned or uncommisioned, either new or executed in the last year. Films may include brief interviews with the artist/s as well as background about the location or local culture, but they should focus mainly on the production and placement in the street.
Upload your video to youtube with #mocatvupload in the title by June 15 so that curators Jeffrey Deitch, Martha Cooper, RJ Rushmore, Carlo McCormick and Ethel Seno can select works to be featured on MOCAtv. Filmmakers whose videos are selected may also be invited to create exclusive content for MOCAtv. With any questions about your submission, contact
Music: Deat Grips "Cut Throat"
A Letter from Greenpoint (2004) 
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The Art in the Streets exhibition at MOCA in 2011 was the best attended show in the museum's history. The call to action initiative aims to connect the existing graffiti and street art communities internationally and to provide a platform for the best work being created.


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